3342 North President Howard Brown Blvd., Decatur IL 62521 PHONE: 217-877-5670 x 3
3342 North President Howard Brown Blvd., Decatur IL 62521 PHONE: 217-877-5670 x 3
Come into the office to fill out and application!
Need help with erosion control?
Are you wondering what would be a good place for a pond?
How about a waterway that isn't doing what it was a couple years ago?
Macon County Soil and Water offers FREE technical assistance with terraces, grade control structures, sediment basins, cover crops and constructed wetlands.
Assist landowners with sheet and rill erosion exceeding “T” (tolerable soil loss level), or with ephemeral/gully erosion, in constructing projects which conserve soil, protect water quality and reduce flooding.
Address water quality issues related to sediment, nutrients, and other non-point source pollutants.
In Macon County, PFC (CPP) funds have been used to: construct waterways, install block chutes, construct terraces, plant cover crops, and a variety of other projects. If you have erosion, and are not quite sure how to treat it, we can do a site visit, and come up with the best possible solutions for your particular project.
Macon County, the City of Decatur, the Village of Forsyth, and the Village of Mt. Zion all maintain MS4 permits with the state of Illinois to ensure proper stormwater maintenance and quality. WCD cooperate with our MS4 communities by participating in the MS4 Working Group where educational events are planned and implemented, and by inspecting the erosion & sediment controls at individual construction sites throughout the City and Villages.