3342 North President Howard Brown Blvd., Decatur IL 62521 PHONE: 217-877-5670 x 3
3342 North President Howard Brown Blvd., Decatur IL 62521 PHONE: 217-877-5670 x 3
Macon County Lady Landowners was organized in 1984, through the Soil & Water Conservation District. Its purpose was, and remains, to bring together women who are interested in agriculture. Our meetings provide education & fellowship.
We meet 6 times a year, usually the 2nd Thursday of January, March, May, July, September, and November. The September meeting is usually a day-long tour of several agricultural businesses. Meeting topics are often suggested by the members.
The only requirement to attend the meetings is your interest in agriculture. A person does not have to be a landowner, nor live in Macon County. (Some of our current members are from neighboring [and far-away] counties.)
Annual dues of $20 are used to fund an agriculture scholarship at Richland Community College.
Pam Jarboe - President - 217-841-4420
Teresa Chenoweth - Treasurer - 217-855-2837
Meeting reservations are required to ensure a proper food count. To make a reservation, or for more information, please contact Pam Jarboe or Katherine Betz, at the numbers listed above.
The Macon County Extension Office, Illini Room 3351 N President Howard Brown Blvd, Decatur
Speaker – Meadow Sporrer, Macon County Soil & Water Conservation District
Subject – Programs available at the USDA Service Center
The Macon County Extension Office, Illini Room 3351 N President Howard Brown Blvd, Decatur