3342 North President Howard Brown Blvd., Decatur IL 62521 PHONE: 217-877-5670 x 3
3342 North President Howard Brown Blvd., Decatur IL 62521 PHONE: 217-877-5670 x 3
Lake Decatur serves as the main source of drinking water for over 80,000 residents of the City of Decatur and the Village of Mt. Zion. 925 square miles of East Central Illinois land drain to the Lake (making up its watershed). The Macon County Soil and Water Conservation District works with landowners in the watershed to make sure the cleanest water possible is entering the Lake.
Lake Decatur serves as the main source of drinking water for over 80,000 residents of the City of Decatur and the Village of Mt. Zion. 925 square miles of East Central Illinois land drain to the Lake (making up its watershed). The Macon County Soil and Water Conservation District works with landowners in the watershed to make sure the cleanest water possible is entering the Lake.
It’s our main source of drinking water!